365Treat is a shopping center on the Internet that allows you to choose and order exclusive goods in the comfort of your home, at work, or on the road.

The 365Treat Online shopping center receives products of the best cosmetic brands, exclusive decorative cosmetics, cosmetics for hair, face and body care of legendary European and American brands; professional cosmetics and restorative products for hair and scalp, cosmetics for skin rejuvenation, cellulite removal – all without intermediaries and from warehouses located in the EU and Ukraine.

When 365Treat opened in 2011, we were providing beauty supplies for local beauty salons and stores in Ukraine.

We started as a small company dedicated to helping our local community to buy original beauty industry products for the best prices.

Today 365Treat is a big specialty beauty retailer of services and solutions for the lifetime needs of men and women. We stock a wide range of beauty products and supplies for men and women all over the world.

The originality of the product guaranteed.

All our products have European certification or FDA approved.

Welcome and have a nice shopping tour!